Fab 4 Fundraising

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Massive thanks to John, Paul, George and Ringo for their performance at the Willowbrook in aid of Gedling Youth and Community Hub on 14th October. The event was very well attended and raised nearly £700 for the charity. Here are … Read More

Carlton and Gedling u3a visit

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On Wednesday 25th October GYCH hosted members of the Carlton and Gedling u3a group. They learned about the history of the former Gedling railway station and youth club as well as plans for the future under the regeneration project. Peter … Read More

Heritage Open Day

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On Saturday 16 September the station opened its doors to the public as part of the national heritage week events around the country. We welcomed almost a hundred visitors during the day, who were treated to exhibitions about the station’s … Read More

Gym demolition

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If you’ve walked or driven past the building in the last few weeks you may have noticed that most of the gym has now been demolished. This work was approved as part of the planning application (GBC 2022/1359) which has … Read More

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