Gedling Station Regeneration Project joins easyfundraising

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Great news!

We are now part of, which allows you to help the Gedling Station Regeneration project without having to donate to us directly.

If you shop online, using sites like Amazon or ebay, or retailers such as Argos or John Lewis, then it’s as easy as 1, 2, 3!

  1. Visit (or click the image above) and click “Support this cause”.
  2. Register, using your email or Facebook account.
  3. Add the donation reminder. (If a Donation is available at the retailer site you are using, a donation reminder will notify you that you can support our cause.)

Thats it!

Now, next time you are shopping at one of the over 4000 supported retailers, you will see a message asking if you would like to activate a donation.

Now shop as normal and the Gedling Youth Club & Community Hub will receive a donation from the retailer.

Easyfundraising is easy to use, costs you nothing, but helps our project greatly.

Thank You

Francis Rodrigues


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